CALPIA Case Study Updated_Page_1

How the E2E Network Creates Second Chances for Incarcerated Job Seekers 

In June 2024, Geographic Solutions, in partnership with the California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD), successfully launched the Entry to Employment (E2E) Network at California State Prison, Solano. This first-of-its-kind, web-based employment system provides soon-to-be-released individuals with the necessary tools and resources needed to connect with employers, find quality employment opportunities, and successfully reenter into society. The ultimate goal of the E2E network is to assist California in lowering recidivism across the state.

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Fill out the form to download this case study to learn more about how the E2E Network is breaking down barriers to employment, increasing positive employment outcomes, reducing instances of recidivism, and saving taxpayers tremendously.