Geographic Solutions Distributes Historic $41.9 Billion in Unemployment Compensation Page 1

Distributing $41.9 Billion in Unemployment Compensation

As the United States confronted a debilitating health crisis in Spring 2020, a similarly catastrophic unemployment crisis was materializing. Countless companies were forced to furlough workers, eliminate positions, or shut down altogether. As a result, many states and territories struggled to alleviate traffic bottlenecks on unemployment insurance websites, handle the intake of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claims, and distribute benefits in a timely manner.

In less than two months, Geographic Solutions was able to scale its infrastructure to support the needs of nine states and U.S. territories. And over the course of 2020, the company processed and distributed a historic $41.9 billion in unemployment compensation and thwarted $10.7 billion in fraudulent claims.

Find Out More

Fill out the form to download this case study to learn how Geographic Solutions rapidly adapted its software solutions to provide workers and businesses with access to PUA resources and financial relief during the pandemic.