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The Virtual OneStop® Veterans Portal assists veterans and their families in making the transition from active-duty to civilian-life employment. Traditionally, veteran job seekers bring strong work ethic, discipline, accountability, and added value to company culture.
The Virtual OneStop® Veterans Portal serves as a gateway for services and information, and matches veterans with jobs based on their military skills.
Valuable Veteran Resources
The portals offer valuable resources to those returning to the civilian workforce. From the portal, veterans can locate the nearest American Job Center and access veteran-oriented programs. They will also find direct access to the Department of Veterans Affairs website, an easy-to-use Résumé Builder, local job fairs, and training opportunities.
Career Search by Branch of Service
Veterans can also use the portal to match skills they have acquired while serving to find their job or career of choice, and they'll also be able to see employers who have designated themselves as veteran friendly.
View More Information
Scroll further down this page to download an informational PDF, hear from our clients, and see examples of our portals in Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina.
Meet Tim Duffy
Central Regional Manager
Let's chat before, during, or after the 2023 NASWA Veterans Conference. Submit your information below and Tim will reach out to you.

VIDEO: Making the Transition from Active Duty to Civilian-Life Employment
Resources and Client Stories

Download: When Finding a Job is the Mission, The Vets Portal Makes the Transition Easy
The Virtual OneStop® Veterans Portal assists veterans and their families in making the transition from active duty to civilian-life employment with an easy registration process, valuable veteran resources, career search by branch service, and veteran-friendly employer designations.
Find out more by viewing our informational Veterans Portal insert.

Watch: NCWorks' Vets Portal Helps Returning Service Members Find Employment
In November 2021, we featured staff members from the North Carolina Department of Commerce and their veterans employment services program. By partnering with Geographic Solutions, the NCWorks Veterans Portal was created to assist veterans, transitioning service members, and eligible spouses.
Watch our webinar rewind to find out more.

Blog: Hire a Veteran Day Highlights the Benefits of the Employ Florida Vets Portal
More than 1.5 million veterans call the Sunshine State home, and in 2019, nearly 4,000 veterans gained employment after assistance by the CareerSource South Florida Network. The Employ Florida Vets online portal assists veterans and their families with accomplishing their employment goals.
Read the entire blog post by clicking below.

Watch: In Their Words: Our Employees Share Memorabilia From Their Service
We employ many veterans, and each has a unique story that highlights their time in service.
For Veterans Day in 2022, we asked these former service members to pictures from their time in service.
Watch the video by clicking the link below.