Webinar Rewind: Pathways to Employment with New Mexico

Find out How New Mexico Developed a Virtual Career-Planning Platform 

In the third installment of our Pathways to Employment webinar series, Economist Michelle Doran and Youth Engagement Coordinator Rebecca Sisneros discussed the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions' (NMDWS) journey to develop the Career Solutions Portal, a virtual career-planning platform.

The Career Solutions Portal specifically targets youth with the state of New Mexico. NMDWS approached Geographic Solutions to work on this project based on a foundation that was started with two existing systems: Labor Analysis Statistics and Economic Research (LASER), and the New Mexico Workforce Connection. Today, the Career Solutions Portal serves approximately 89 school districts and 338,220 students.

But, these resources aren't limited to young people.

Adults seeking change or facing barriers are able to use these tools when they need help moving forward or creating their unique pathway to success. The Career Solutions Portal has also inspired statewide curriculum and a facilitators' guide. Through a series of lessons, the guide outlines success strategies and encourages career exploration. 

Check out the webinar video to hear Michelle and Rebecca discuss the Career Solutions Portal.  


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Session Speakers

Michelle Doran headshot 311x421

Michelle Doran


New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions

Rebecca Sisneros Headshot 311x421

Rebecca Sisneros

Youth Engagement Coordinator

New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions