From Unemployment to Reemployment

From Unemployment to Reemployment: Refocusing the unemployment system

REX | White Paper

Discover how REX can help state unemployment agencies accelerate job placements among their claimants.


Provide “No Wrong Door” to Your State's Employment Benefits and Services

VOS Connect | White Paper

Discover how Geographic Solutions' VOS Connect uses a "No Wrong Door" approach to streamline access to state benefit programs through a single, web-based platform.

A New Era of Workforce Development Scaling Apprenticeship for the Future (2)

A New Era of Workforce Development: Scaling Apprenticeship for the Future

VOS Sapphire AI | White Paper

Learn how apprenticeship programs are  fundamentally shifting in how businesses, organizations, and industries develop talent and address the persistent skills gap shortage.

How the E2E Network Creates Second Chances for Incarcerated Job Seekers-3

How the E2E Network Creates Second Chances for Incarcerated Job Seekers

VOS REO | Case Study

Explore how a multi-organization partnership with the California Prison Industry Authority allowed Geographic Solutions to launch the first-of-its-kind Entry to Employment (E2E) Network at California State Prison, Solano. 

Curbing Unemployment-2

Curbing Unemployment Through Expanding Workforce Support with Cisco

VOS Sapphire AI | Case Study

Discover how Geographic Solutions' software has expanded workforce support and accelerated job placement since the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of Cisco Compute Solutions. 


The Road to Improve Statewide Educational Attainment-2

The Road to Improve Statewide Educational Attainment

VCC | Case Study

Discover how the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) leveraged Geographic Solutions' VCC software to deliver career solutions to students beginning in high school through the end of college and into the workforce.

Distributing $41.9 Billion in Unemployment Compensation-2

Distributing $41.9 Billion in Unemployment Compensation

GUS | Case Study

Learn how Geographic Solutions processed and distributed a historic $41.9 billion in unemployment compensation and thwarted $10.7 billion in fraudulent claims during the height of the pandemic.

Reducing Recidivism with Workforce Partnerships-3

Reducing Recidivism with Workforce Partnerships

VOS REO | Case Study

Explore how government programs like the Fair Chance Pledge and modern technologies such as Geographic Solutions' VOS REO help eliminate barriers to employment, enhance positive job outcomes, decrease recidivism rates, and provide significant savings for taxpayers.

Tulare County Offers a RESET and Another Chance at Stability-2

Tulare County Offers a RESET and Another Chance at Stability

VOS REO | Case Study

Learn how Geographic Solutions' Tulare County Probation RESET portal has helped justice-involved individuals with job searching and skills development.