Connecting Education and Workforce for Positive Student Outcomes
Virtual Career Center, or VCC, provides a shared platform for workforce development agencies, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities to collaborate with post-secondary partners and drive student success. The chief driver is an emphasis on credential and degree attainment. VCC allows organizations to provide resources for work experience placement, while providing reliable data for successful outcomes.
By integrating students' interests, values, and skills with real-world education and labor market statistics, VCC creates the ideal environment where the future of workforce is well-informed and well-matched.
Hear From Our Clients
Scroll down the page to watch an episode from our Pathways to Employment webinar series that features the New Mexico Department of Workforce Services. Read a case study about our VCC partnership with Florida Memorial University and CareerSource South Florida. And learn more about career clusters and apprenticeships through detailed blog posts.
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VIDEO: See What You Can Do With VCC
Resources and Client Stories

Webinar: How New Mexico Developed a Statewide Virtual Career-Planning Platform
In 2016, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) embarked on a journey to develop a platform that would define statewide success for thousands of students and educators. In less than five years, the website has become a primary career-planning destination.
Watch the webinar at our Pathways to Employment resources page

Case Study: Florida Memorial University and CareerSource South Florida Partner to Launch VCC
When CareerSource South Florida and Florida Memorial University sought to launch a data-driven exploration and career pathway solution that would illuminate the valuable connection between educational attainment and economic development, they turned to Geographic Solutions.
Read our case study to learn more.

Blog: How Career Clusters Became More Visually Appealing, and Their Role in Education's Future
Did you know that there are 16 career clusters and 79 career pathways that help students of all ages navigate their way to success in their college journeys? Students, parents, and educators use the clusters to focus on the knowledge, competencies, and training necessary for success in a particular pathway.
Read more about career clusters

Blog: Creating Wage-Earning Opportunities and Sustainable Careers Through Apprenticeships
During the 6th Annual National Apprenticeship Week, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a renewed focus on apprenticeships as career pathways. Defined as a win-win for employers, apprenticeships connect education to the modern workplace, and employees have a 94% retention rate.
Learn more about apprenticeships